The beauty of Cannabis Edibles as compared to Smoking

Cannabis edibles are food items that contain cannabinoids. These food items are made using cannabis flower. They are scientifically known as cannabis-infused foods WeedSmart online . These foods can come in form of baked goods, beverages or brownie mixes.  

They can even come in form of confectioneries. There are the famous THC gummies and CBD mints. Cannabis-infused drinks are harder to make, as they require some level of expertise.  

Most Cannabis edibles have higher THC content than CBD. There are also edibles that are high in CBD content. When consuming CBD induced foods, you are advised to have a meal that is high in fat. Taking CBD with a diet of healthy fat can maximize its absorption. You thus get the most out of your edibles. 


Consuming edibles allows you to get the maximum nutritional benefits from cannabis plants. Cannabis edibles pass through the gastrointestinal tract. This means that your body gets to absorb and enjoy all the nutrients that come with cannabis. Just like other green plants that we eat, cannabis is rich in vitamins and minerals. These include Vitamin K, Vitamin C, Calcium and iron. It doesn’t stop there, since cannabis is induced into food, you can enjoy further benefits of nutrition and taste. For example, weed infused chocolate has all the benefits of chocolate and cannabis. You get to enjoy a tasty and satisfying experience, while still getting your vitamins. 


As compared to smoking, we have seen that ingesting cannabis is much better. Smoking cannabis carries the risk of inhaled carbon monoxide. This is a toxin that can cause damage to your lungs. Smoking cannabis also produces tar. This tar comes from burning the carbon-based plant. Tar is deposited in the lungs. This can cause respiratory problems in future. 

Ingested cannabis carries none of these risks. Cooked, baked or mixed cannabis travels safely through the alimentary canal and poses no health risk to the consumer. The THC that is produced after being broken down in the liver also boosts the therapeutic properties of cannabis. You could say that ingesting Cannabis offers a health boost.  

Effects and Duration 

It takes more time for edibles to show effects as compared to smoked cannabis. This is because cannabis edibles need a longer time for THC and CBD to reach the blood stream. Edibles need to be digested first then absorbed by the body. For you to feel the effects, it could take anywhere from thirty minutes to four hours. This depends on what food the cannabis was infused with. If it was a beverage such as coffee. It could take thirty minutes. However, if it was a heavy meal such as pasta, it could take a lot longer.  

The wait is not in vain. You will experience an improved high. The feelings of relief, calmness and happiness are heightened and last far longer than if you smoked. All the positive effects of cannabis are boosted. This is because of the action of the liver on the THC and CBD. 


Edibles are a fantastic way to consume cannabis. Whether it is for recreational or health purposes, edibles have been proven to be the best bet. You could join in and enjoy the wonderful world of cannabis edibles.